Sustainability: Not a Concept But a Lifestyle

Sustainability: Not a Concept But a Lifestyle

Fashion holds great power for cultural and social change. From raising knowledge about sustainable fashion practices to actively participating in change, a shift is urgently needed.

Sustainability for us is concerned with preserving the environment, preventing climate change, and supporting social growth without jeopardising life on the earth. This philosophy aims to meet our immediate demands without deteriorating future generations' resources. It’s not just a concept but a lifestyle.

 One of the most pressing concerns confronting humanity today is environmental sustainability. An increase in population, along with a massive increase in anthropogenic activity, has prompted various concerns about sustaining our planet's natural resources. In recent years, we've seen a rise in the severity and frequency of natural disasters. For at least the next ten years, more changes in the global climate are expected.

 It is estimated that about 2.1 billion tonnes of waste are generated globally each year, out of which nearly 20% is produced by the fashion industry. It's no secret that the fashion businesses are harming the environment, with their carbon footprint accounting for nearly 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions. On a regular basis, it might be critical to monitor the impact of social activities on local ecosystems but as an individual ‘awareness’ about your actions is half the battle won.

Fashion holds great power for cultural and social change. From raising knowledge about sustainable fashion practices to actively participating in change, a shift is urgently needed. Fortunately, significant improvements are occurring in the fashion landscape; more ethical brands are emerging, shoppers are buying consciously and even a dedicated ethical clothes search engine has been developed. 

The Fanfare Label, a sustainable fashion house is promoting and generating awareness of an ethical lifestyle. The brand is revolutionising the way people shop, wear and consume clothes. With Reuse & Recycle being the major philosophy, having a healthy life and longevity will not be a farfetched idea. The only question is, are you ready?

Shop our collection here.

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