Fanfare Label New Vintage Collection

Fanfare Label New Vintage Collection

This week we launched our brand new vintage collection and in hour of dropping this collection we shot an editorial for Earth Issue, a collaborative online platform focused on sustainability.

This week we launched our brand new vintage collection and in hour of dropping this collection we shot an editorial for Earth Issue, a collaborative online platform focused on sustainability.

Fanfare Label Introduces A New Vintage Collection
Fanfare Label Introduces A New Vintage Collection

Too often we are forgetful of the beauty and power of the land around us, we are not mindful of the impacts that we have, just as we can be forgetful of others feelings. Fanfare Label is a mindful, ethical and environmentally conscious fashion brand that focuses on giving pre-loved clothing a makeover. As a brand we decided that we wanted to ground ourselves to the earth and pay our respects by creating and upcycling clothing, giving them a new life and extending their circularity in the fashion industry. We believe that it is not enough to just have one eco-friendly collection or use one sustainability produced material but that if one really wants to have an impact on the future of the world and the generations to come that we must try to implement our vision in everything we do.

Fanfare Label Introduces A New Vintage Collection
Fanfare Label Introduces A New Vintage Collection
Fanfare Label Introduces A New Vintage Collection
Fanfare Label Introduces A New Vintage Collection

For this shoot we were inspired by those who over the last year have decided to step back from the city life, return to the countryside or to a simpler life surrounded by nature and living off what the earth has given us. This person can be conscious of their impact on the environment and express themselves through slow fashion. For this collection of vintage garments we specifically decided to work with other people and brands who share our ethos, trying to ensure that almost all of the elements involved in this shoot was as sustainable as possible from the jewellery brands we feature to the food we consumed and the talent we worked with. Working with individuals who share our passion for world improvement. This embodies the inspiration behind the editorial and stays true to who we are as a brand. The entirety of the articles of clothing are vintage pieces that we have collected and carefully selected for this mini collection, all of the accessories are either vintage or sustainable made. We’d like to thank the whole team involved in this shoot who helped bring our vision to life and an enjoyable process.

Fanfare Label Introduces A New Vintage Collection
Fanfare Label Introduces A New Vintage Collection


Shop our collection here.

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