In this edition of Fanfare Label Muse, we had the pleasure of shooting Annaliese Dayes in the vibrant streets of Shoreditch. She brought her fun, and bold style to each look, showcasing how layers and textures can transform classic pieces with a modern twist, reminding us that fashion is not only about what we wear but also how it makes us feel.
Tell us a little bit about your background / Who is Annaliese Dayes?
Oh my DAYES! Well this is a loaded question, as I wear many “fashionable” hats! I always say that everything I do falls under the umbrella of smiling, talking and posing.
I’m a creative Londoner who encourages women to have fun with fashion! I’ve modelled since I was 12 years old and even competed on both Britain’s next Top Model and America’s Next Top Model British Invasion.
I already knew before these experiences that I wanted to be a presenter. I love communicating, expressing myself to an audience and yeah you could say I’m fond of having all eyes on me! I used the Next Top Model platforms to start talking about fashion and beauty, hosting live events; I was on Heart radio for several years and it really snowballed from there. QVC presenter, qualified personal stylist, fashion content creator, podcast host, voice over artist and the lists goes on and on.
As a person, I most definitely have only child energy (take that as a good or bad thing!) and anyone who knows me would says that I’m full of enthusiasm and hopefully charm and charisma! I’m that friend that you come to when you want some honest advice (with of course my speciality being styling) but in a group chat I’m absolutely awful; there for observational purposes only.
How do you stay inspired?
Well quite frankly…. I struggle. I personally think it’s extremely hard to stay inspired all the time. For me inspiration comes is waves, usually after some kind of creative block or even a resting period. If I was to analyse myself I’d probably say that I get inspired by happiness and finding the joy the in small things that up my vibrational frequency. For me styling and fashion brings me a lot of joy, whether that’s browsing through my local charity shops and preloved platforms, discovering new independent sustainable brands and finding those special items that make me ask myself, “how would I style that?”. Of course it's not always about fashion (as much as I'd like it be!) I enjoy dancing, staying active and spending time with friends and family; these things help me recharge my batteries and give me the energy to tackle the world head on.

What’s one thing you wish someone had told you before creating your career in fashion?
That despite the fashion industry having a reputation for being elitist (and to some degree it is.) Everyone is making it up! Winging it! No one really knows what they are talking about; It’s all based on a series of opinions, emotions and reactions and so therefore, why not get involved and share your point of view? I think this thinking makes the industry look less intimidating, more approachable and kinda like a massive melting pot of different peoples ideas and creativity. I remember when I started creating fashion videos (way before TikTok existed.) I said, “why would anyone listen or care about my styling advice?” So yeah I wish I knew this before; as I would have started creating content sooner and leant in to my love of fashion earlier.

What makes you the most excited about A/W?
Layering!! Honestly it’s when it comes to fashion, its definitely my favourite time of year. The art of putting an outfit together, they way the items can merge, the silhouette they create, the balance between being too hot or too cold, is all just so much more interesting (and fun) when you have layers to play around with with in my opinion. It’s more of an opportunity to be creative and I love the juxtaposition between the usual fashion trope of wearing dark muted colours to match the dark gloomy skies and right up against styling bold bright colours.
How would you describe your personal style in 3 words?

How would you style your Fanfare Label pieces?
I love how Fanfare pieces are classic with a modern twist and for me its all about adding another dimension to that, which tends to be adding colour and/or texture. That could layering a pop of neon (yes layering is my fav styling method and I’m not sorry to mention a second time!) or adding a statement boot or even toughening up the classic with some edgy jewellery and accessories. Coco Chanel famously said to remove one thing before leaving the house, and I although I do love Coco, I’m definitely a more is more kinda girl!