Fanfare Label's positive social & environmental impact.

Our Positive Impact

The Important Figures

At Fanfare Label we want to turn the tables so that the only impacts we have on the world are positive ones.


We are excited to introduce our newest features: The Impact Fair Campaign, showing our customers the positive impact Fanfare Label products have on reducing the fundamental issues caused by the fashion industry.


By shopping with us you are helping us scale our positive impact, thank you for your continued support. The more we grow as a business, the more we can reduce environmental destruction, promote fair working conditions & support our women empowerment & anti-slavery charities.

Fanfare Label's positive social & environmental impact.

The Impact Fair Campaign


When we started Fanfare Label the main goal was to bring change to the fashion industry. From working in various fashion companies for many years, our founder Esther Knight saw first-hand the unethical, exploitive processes caused by the fashion industry. Rather than leave the industry she wanted to do something about the work cultures that had become a bad habit to many.


This new feature allows you to track your positive impact and count the positive savings you have made by shopping with us rather than another retailer. By creating from waste materials instead of virgin fibres we are proud to say we have made some key savings. And this is only the beginning.


We have researched the environmental impact of different items of clothing, so that you can make an empowered choice when it comes to consuming fashion. The good news is that by shopping with us, you can make all those savings & save the planet, a win win situation.


Did you know?


By purchasing one of our organic cotton items vs a regular cotton item saves 410.4 days drinking water, 113 hours of bulb energy & 0.8km driving emissions.

Pretty surprising numbers right? We thought so too!

Fanfare Label's positive social & environmental impact.

Did you know?


By shopping our recycled jeans each pair saves 9500 litres of water, 34kg of CO2 emissions - similar to taking a car and driving for 111km. It also saves 1kg of waste from UK landfills
Supports 1.5 days of fair working conditions & pay.

Fanfare Label's positive social & environmental impact.

How We Measure Our Social Impact

By working with key partners we are able to predict the savings based on the fabric used in our collection.

Recycling Waste


Our journey begins in Xintang, China where approximately 260-300 million pairs of jeans being produced per year. Each pair needs around 9.500 litres of water to be produced. (Fashion Revolution, 2020). Re-use and recycling offer some carbon savings because the lifetime of clothing that is re-used or recycled is extended. Where this displaces a sale of a new garment, the effects on the environment from fibre extraction and processing are avoided.


By shopping our recycled jeans each pair saves:

9500 litres of water

The 34kg of CO2 emitted to produces one pair, similar to taking a car and driving for 111km

1kg Waste Saved from UK landfill

Supports 1.5 days of fair working conditions & pay


Our mission is not to produce new but reuse what is already out there as only 15% of all fashion products are actually recycled or up-cycled.


85% of our clothes are disposed of into landfills where it can take up to 40 years for them to decompose if they contain nylon, or 200 years if they contain polyester.


On average 14 million tonnes of clothing are trashed each year in the US alone; putting them through a recycling programme would be the equivalent of taking 7.3 million cars and their carbon dioxide off the road every year.

Fanfare Label's positive social & environmental impact.

Co2 Reduction


The fashion industry produces an estimated 1.2 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalent (CO2e) per year - more than international flights and maritime shipping combined according to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation.


Fashion supply chains are very often spread all around the world. Moving fabrics, accessories, clothes involves enormous amounts of energy and use of fossil fuel. A t-shirt made in China for example, before hitting the shelves of a store in the US, is already responsible for the emission of 1kg of CO2.


Every ton of clothing that gets recycled saves the emission of 20 tonnes of CO2 . A single pair of jeans, on average, emits 34kg of CO2 to be produced, similar to taking a car and driving for 111km. Extend the life of your clothes! Nine extra months translates to a reduction of your carbon and water footprint of 25-30%.


Synthetic fibres like polyester and nylon require a massive amount of energy to be produced and contribute to the emission of greenhouse gases like CO2 and nitrous oxide, the impact of which on global warming is 300 times the same amount.

Fanfare Label's positive social & environmental impact.

Water Saving


Cotton is one of the thirstiest fibres in fashion. According to WRAP, cotton production accounts for 69% of the water footprint of fibre production for textiles.158 One kilogram of cotton - equivalent to the weight of a shirt and pair of jeans - can take as much as 10,000–20,000 litres to produce, depending on where in the world it is grown.159 The Aral Sea, formerly one of the four largest lakes in the world, has almost entirely dried up, in large part due to intensive industrial cotton farming in Central Asia.160 It is now called the Aralkum Desert.161 This is an ecological, economic and social disaster.


So we've really got to think about that in terms of what's important to us, and how we can make sure that people have access to fashion without necessarily using up really important resources that we need for food and other things. Buying items made from organic cotton protects waters supplies, stops the use of poisoning textiles, its well tracked and isn’t associated to the human rights abuses in other forms of textiles.

Fanfare Label's positive social & environmental impact.

Protecting People


The last important piece to the puzzle is people. Humans make our clothes. Men and women, often underage and/or under-paid for the job, exposed to health and safety hazards every day to allow us to spend always less on clothing and consume always more.


· Around 40 million people are employed in fashion manufacturing today, and 85% of them are women. In Bangladesh, according to a 2011 StichedUp report, 3/4 of them are regularly verbally abused at work and half of them are physically beaten.


· The minimum wage for garment workers in Bangladesh is US$0.32 cents per hour.


· Children work at all stages of the supply chain in the fashion industry: from the production of cotton seeds, the harvesting, and yarn spinning, to clothing manufacturing.


· 30000 cotton farmers have committed suicide in India alone.


· Working days are 10-12 hours long and are as much as 18 hours long at peak times; overtime is often mandatory.

Fanfare Label's positive social & environmental impact.

Award winning sustainable product