Womens Linen Suits | Fanfare

Fanfare Label Muse: Lucy Hall & Jade McSorley - Co-Founders of Loanhood

Before LOANHOOD they were both already working in fashion which is how the two met; Lucy was Jade’s model booker at Models 1 and they quickly became lifelong friends.
Your Guide to Linen Clothing this Summer Reading Fanfare Label Muse: Lucy Hall & Jade McSorley - Co-Founders of Loanhood 4 minutes Next The Fanfare Label Guide to Festival Fashion

In this edition of Fanfare Label Muse, we met with Lucy Hall and Jade McSorley; co-founders of the fashion rental marketplace LOANHOOD.

Before LOANHOOD they were both already working in fashion which is how the two met; Lucy was Jade’s model booker at Models 1 and they quickly became lifelong friends. After some time working in the modelling industry, they both became disillusioned with the exploitation and destruction behind the scenes. However, their love for the artistic expression that is fashion never went away. That's where LOANHOOD comes in.

After leaving the modelling industry, Lucy opened a restaurant in Covent Garden, London where her sustainability journey began through food.

Whilst Jade decided to step back from modelling once she realised that by modelling for fast fashion brands, she was inadvertently helping to sell unsustainable garments. Jade returned to education and completed her Masters in Sustainable Fashion and continued on with her PhD whilst building LOANHOOD with Lucy.

Linen Co-ord Sets | Fanfare

Why did you start LOANHOOD?

In all honesty, it was our lack of respect for an industry that was churning out unsustainable produce and encouraging overconsumption, and we felt complicit! We still loved fashion and believed it is important for identity and self-expression but we felt there were enough clothes already out there in the world that had value. We wanted to unlock that value and start sharing the clothes we already own.

Coming from the modelling industry, the concept of renting clothes wasn’t new as we witnessed stylists, PRs, celebs and influencers already doing it. So we thought why can’t the everyday consumer get a slice of that action too? Why do we need to buy new?

Womens Linen Co-ords | Fanfare

What are some of your proudest achievements so far since starting LOANHOOD?

Bringing the Swap Shop concept, the first ever non-transactional store, to Selfridges was a huge deal for us. Helping to remove the stigma around sharing clothes and revealing the value we already have in wardrobes was an eye-opener for many and we loved getting to witness that first-hand.

Being recognised by Dazed for bringing rental to emerging designers, being one of eBay’s Circular Fashion Fund finalists and BFC’s innovators in Circular Economy were also mega highlights. Seeing our community doing well is one of the best feelings. When we watch our amazing emerging designers who we support through rental, gain recognition in the industry makes us super proud.

Women Linen Trousers | Fanfare

What’s one thing you wish someone told you before starting LOANHOOD?

Enjoy the highlights. Start-up life is tough, especially when you are disrupting an industry and consumer habits. When you feel like you have scored a win, no matter how big or small, celebrate it with your team. It will give you the energy boost you need.

How would you describe your personal styles in 3 words?

Lucy: Evolving, sustainable, relaxed

Jade: Staple but Statement 

How would you style your Fanfare Label pieces?

Lucy: I can see myself rocking this on holiday with some Birkenstocks, a big floppy hat, an oversized bag and a hat.

Jade: I could definitely wear this set day to night. For the day, I would style it with a baseball cap and sneakers, but for the night I would switch it up with an oversized blazer and some mules.

Womens Linen Co-ord Sets | Fanfare

What’s your top tip for being more sustainable?

Sustainability is a personal journey so come at it from where you are at. We would definitely encourage people to try a Swap Shop, which is usually free. They are a great introduction to getting into the sustainable mindset and being conscious of what you need/don’t need in your wardrobes. Swaps have the double dopamine hit of a wardrobe clear out with finding your next obsession.

LOANHOOD will be hosting their own Swap Shops in London soon! See below for more details:

June 22nd @ Southwark

June 29th @ Hackney

Award winning sustainable product